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Will niche networking Be the Undoing of LinkedIn?

Will niche networking Be the Undoing of LinkedIn?

There are a new crop of apps and websites that help people network within specific industries. Wildcast is a website that helps podcasters network with other podcasters Podcasting is a big industry and new titles crop up daily. The choice of podcasts appears to be...
GM rebrands Logo For The Electric Age

GM rebrands Logo For The Electric Age

GM has rebranded their logo in what seems to be an attempt to appeal to younger, savvier buyers. GM has what new upstart electric car companies do not have – expertise and credibility (if you can it that considering the malaise era through the mid 00s) when it...
College Has a Negative ROI

College Has a Negative ROI

For a very long time, college degrees have been a requirement in very many fields in the job market. Many managers don’t fail to a bachelor’s degree under the qualification. However, time and again, the higher learning institution only equips learners with...
Will Zoom Be Dethroned?

Will Zoom Be Dethroned?

Hopin’s growth amid Zoom’s fatigue is giving validation to a whole crop of remote-work-focused startups. I see startups in the category sitting in two camps: Either you’re betting that users want a more passive way to interact with video or you’re betting that users...