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GM has rebranded their logo in what seems to be an attempt to appeal to younger, savvier buyers. GM has what new upstart electric car companies do not have – expertise and credibility (if you can it that considering the malaise era through the mid 00s) when it comes to the entire supply chain of selling cars. The upstarts will have to figure out dealer networks, parts distribution, and the aftermarket, something Tesla has been historically at antagonistic towards.

The new crop of electric auto makers get tech, but they really do not understand that they are selling appliances to the layman, not gadgets to early adopters and nerds. And that is why GM’s rebranded is weak. It signals to the market, not that are ready to meet tomorrow’s challenges, but they are scared of the electric car nerds.

A cynic might see this new GM look as a reflex to the popularity of Tesla, and a desire to not look old, outdated, past it. But there is a way to do that without ditching a century of history, brand trust, and innovation, while evoking a certain thirstiness for youth. It’s like your granddad in a Supreme shirt. Just . . . unnecessary.

Fast Company

Although, others seem to think a simple logo redesign might not be enough

Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas previously suggested GM change its name to better represent the company’s future plans, which include 30 new EVs globally under a $27 billion investment in electric and autonomous vehicles through 2025.

“I truly believe we are at an inflection point for EVs,” Wahl said during a media briefing Friday. “Today we’re creating a call to action and we’re showing how we plan to lead the future by inviting ‘everybody in.’ … we want to spark the mass EV adoption movement.”


I guess only the future will tell us if this was a massive error, many of which GM has made in the recent past, or if this was strategically brilliant.